01. The UNIX Programming Environment [美]Brianw.Kernighan
02. The C programming language [美]Brianw.Kernighan
03. Design of UNIX Operating System [外]Maurice Bach
04. UNIX Shells by Example, 4th Edition
05. 深入理解计算机系统(CSAPP)
06. The Linux Programming Interface: A Linux and UNIX System Programming Handbook [美]Michael Kerrisk
07. Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment-3rd
08. UNIX高级教程系统技术内幕 (美)Uresh Vahalia
1. LKD:Linux内核设计与实现(原书第3版)[美] Robert Love
2. ULK:Understand the Linux Kernel/深入理解LINUX内核 [美] Marco Ce
3. LDD:LINUX设备驱动程序(O'Reilly第3版) [美] 科波特(Corbet J.)
4. Linux内核源代码情景分析 [中]毛德操[kernel:2.4]搭配深入分析Linux内核源代码 [kernel:2.4]
5. Professional Linux Kernel Architecture [外]Wolfgang Mauerer/深入Linux内核架构
6. How Linux Works, 2nd Edition: What Every Superuser Should Know [美]Brian Ward
7. Linux内核完全注释 [kernel:0.11] [中]赵炯
CMPT-225 Data Structure and Programming (Spring 2008)Simon Fraser University
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